TrackMasters Racing
30 years of hosting fun and safe events for street and race prepared vehicles. Come out and join us for a track day or weekend of driving on one of the NorCal region's exceptionally challenging and rewarding race tracks!
Information Page
Please explore the information below! Get to know us better and become more familiar with how we at TrackMasters Operate!
About Us
TrackMasters Racing is made up of a community of car enthusiests who take high performance driving seriously and want the best quality experience on the track and in the paddock. After 28 years and over 350 events, we have developed the knowledge and processes to ensure that you and your vehicle have a highly safe and rewarding experience at every TMR track event. There's a reason why over 8000 regional drivers have joined our events and continue to return... it's because they know what experience they can expect at our events. Our safety record is also the best in the region.
TMR has survived as long as we have because of the passion we have in common with our member drivers. The staff and founder of TMR are seasoned car and driving/racing enthusiests who share the passion of motorsports and the camaraderie shared in the paddock before an event, during an event, and after events. Many friendships have sparked in the paddock, some that will last a lifetime!
Our events are typically 'car only' but on occasion we will share an event with our 2 wheeled friends and host bike & car programs. TMR pioneered the 'car & motorcycle' combination events 20+ years ago and those that have copied us have failed. Our processes and attention to detail ensure that all of our events are well organized and managed to provide drivers and riders a safe and enjoyable experience at the track.
Scroll down this page to learn more about our operation, and then pick an up-coming event for a first hand experience! We look forward to seeing you again or meeting you for the first time in the paddock!
TrackMasters Racing Run Group Levels
The following are descriptions of the various run group designations you may see within TMR track events. Not all of these run groups will be available at every event, so please refer to the event description to understand which are available for your desired event.
AR or A1 - Advanced Racers
This group is primarily filled with current or former race licensed drivers or non-racers with 20+ events and very well prepared track cars. These are essentially the fastest cars and drivers at the event. Open passing is allowed but passing in corners, stealing apexes, and aggressive driving is frowned on. Courtesy point by hand signals are always welcome, and we prefer to see passes made before the turn-in point of a corner. The key here is experience, awareness, and No Surprises!
Only convertibles with aftermarket 4+ point roll bars are allowed to run in this group. Factory 'hoops' or auto-deploying anti-roll posts are not adequate protection for vehicles in this group.
A or A2 - Advanced
This group is similar to the AR group but is not restricted to current or former race licensed drivers. The typical 'A' driver has 20+ events experience and has the awareness on track to pass and be passed with open passing rules. This group also consists of both track prepared and street legal cars that are driven to the event. As above, there is no passing in corners, stealing apexes, or aggressive driving. The key here is experience, awareness, and No Surprises!
Only convertibles with aftermarket 4+ point roll bars are allowed to run in this group. Factory 'hoops' or auto-deploying anti-roll posts are not adequate protection for vehicles in this group.
M - Mixed
This group is a combination of driver skills and passing rules. Some drivers are capable of running in Advanced, but prefer a slightly slower pace. Other drivers in this group are Intermediate drivers either driving comfortably at this level given their skills and equipment, or they're working their way up to the a higher group level. Because we have a mix of driver skills in this group, we also have mix of passing rules.
A driver who is NOT comfortable with Open Passing as described above in the 'A' and 'AR' descriptions above places a TMR supplied brightly colored vinyl stick-on 'Dot' on their front and rear license plates or bumper faces. This tells corner workers and drivers approaching from behind that the driver of the car is only comfortable with Mandatory Point By Passing as authorized by hand signals from the car being overtaken. If you come up on a car with a 'Dot', then you must wait for a hand signal before passing. Cars in this group not wearing a 'Dot' are presumed to be comfortable with Open Passing and can be passed without a hand signal. As always, courtesy point by hand signals are always a great idea if you can get your arm out the window. As above, there is no passing in corners, stealing apexes, or aggressive driving.
Convertibles with aftermarket 4+ point roll bars, factory 'hoops', and factory auto-deploying anti-roll posts are allowed in this run group.
B1 - High Intermediate
Drivers in this group typically have the skills to also drive in the Mixed run group above. The vehicles in this group could be street or track prepared, and the drivers typically have 10+ track days under their belt. All passing in this group is controlled by the vehicle being overtaken by way of Mandatory Point By Hand Signals. Passing is not allowed unless the car being overtaken has authorized the pass with a Hand Signal. As above, there is no passing in corners, stealing apexes, or aggressive driving.
Convertibles with aftermarket 4+ point roll bars, factory 'hoops', and factory auto-deploying anti-roll posts are allowed in this run group.
B2 - Low Intermediate
This group is very similar to the 'B1' group above, but typically consists of drivers with 5 to 10 events experience. The pace is slower than 'B1' and the vehicles are more likely to be street legal and street prepared. All passing in this group is controlled by the vehicle being overtaken by way of Mandatory Point By Hand Signals. Passing is not allowed unless the car being overtaken has authorized the pass with a Hand Signal. As above, there is no passing in corners, stealing apexes, or aggressive driving.
Convertibles with aftermarket 4+ point roll bars, factory 'hoops', and factory auto-deploying anti-roll posts are allowed in this run group.
BC - Low Intermediate & Novice
This group is very similar to the 'B2' group above, but typically consists of drivers with some experience. (2 to 5 events) The pace is about the same as 'B2' and the vehicles are more likely to be street legal and street prepared. All passing in this group is controlled by the vehicle being overtaken by way of Mandatory Point By Hand Signals. Passing is not allowed unless the car being overtaken has authorized the pass with a Hand Signal. As above, there is no passing in corners, stealing apexes, or aggressive driving.
Convertibles with aftermarket 4+ point roll bars, factory 'hoops', and factory auto-deploying anti-roll posts are allowed in this run group.
C - Novice
This group typically consists of first time drivers and/or drivers with 6 or fewer events experience. First time drivers will usually have an instructor in the car with them, and those with adequate experience can run 'solo' (without an instructor) if they've either been checked out by an instructor, or have 3 or more events. All passing in this group is controlled by the vehicle being overtaken by way of Mandatory Point By Hand Signals, and passing is restricted to designated straight sections of track described in the drivers meeting. Passing is not allowed unless the car being overtaken has authorized the pass with a Hand Signal. As above, there is no passing in corners, stealing apexes, or aggressive driving.
Convertibles with aftermarket 4+ point roll bars, factory 'hoops', and factory auto-deploying anti-roll posts are allowed in this run group.
Passenger Rules
Passengers are allowed in all run groups with the excepion of Novice and when an event is run under Porsche Club of America rules. Novices signed off to drive 'solo' (without an instructor) can take passengers if approved by TMR staff at the event. Passengers must sign all waivers and wear an approved helmet. All passengers must be 18 years of age or older. Minors between the age of 16 and 17 can attend some events(not all) with prior approval and Minor Waivers signed by parents the day of the event.
Drivers Meeting Content
Flags & Corner Workers
Communication is extremely important at every track event. With everything going on around us on track we all need as much support as we can get to keep things safe. In addition to Hand Signals, every event will have Corner Workers and Flags to communicate with drivers on track. The Corner Workers are a drivers 2nd set of eyes and can keep us out of harms way in the event of an incident on course. This is the primary reason why drivers should familiarize themselves with the position of workers around the course, and look for them during each session.
Remember, surprises are great at a party, but a very un-welcome thing on track! Knowing the meaning of the flags used at our events is critical for yourself and the other drivers sharing the track with you. Learn them, know where the workers are positioned around the course, and enjoy the comfort of knowing that you have another 10+ sets of eyes looking to keep you safe throughout the day!
CHECKERED FLAG: Black and white checkered. Waved as first car crosses finish line at the end of the final lap signifying the end of the session. NO PASSING is allowed after receiving the checkered flag unless a point by hand signal is offered by the car you wish to overtake. Some tracks show the checkered flag in 2 locations - one a start/finish and a 2nd at another corner location. The basic rule is that when drivers see a checkered flag, they should exit the track at the next opportunity to do so. Do not blow a checkered flag as you will then receive a Red Flag. More on that below...
GREEN FLAG: Solid green. Waved at the start of a Run Group Session or after the first lap under Yellow Flag conditions has been completed. Once the Green flag is shown, drivers can continue on track at speed according to the passing rules for their respective run group.
YELLOW FLAG: Solid yellow. Adverse conditions exist ahead and therefore drivers should reduce speeds, fall in line, and not pass other cars on track until after they are past the issue that caused the Yellow condition, or until corner workers are no longer showing the Yellow flag. A Waiving Yellow Flag means that you are rapidly approaching an issue that has just occurred on track. Some tracks also use flashing yellow lights in dangerous corners to futher alert drivers of a caution situation. (e.g. Infineon Raceway Turn #2)
WHITE FLAG: Solid white. if in a race, then this means 1 lap is remaining before Checkered. For high performance driving events the white flag is used do alert drivers that there is either a slow moving vehicle ahead or a support vehicle (such as a tow truck) is on the track ahead of you. Check your speed and remember that you can and should pass the slow moving vehicle safely and at a safe speed. Do not form a line or stop behind a slow moving vehicle or you may be the next vehicle that will need a tow because someone ran into the back of your vehicle!
RED FLAG: Solid red. Indicates that an emergency situation has occurred and all vehicles must come to a safe but quick stop on track. Pull off to one side of the track or the other and within view of a corner worker. Leave room on the track for Safety Vehicles to pass, do not unbuckle your belts or helmet, and stay in your car. The only reason to unbuckle and leave your vehicle is if it is on fire. If this happens to you, then get out and get behind the closest cement K-wall without crossing the track. Never cross the track! Once the incident that caused the Red Flag condition has been resolved, you will likely see a Black and Yellow flag together to proceed and leave the track with caution.
BLACK FLAG: Solid black. An individual driver Black Flag means that a driver has violated the rules during his/her session. Recipients of an individual Black Flag should keep their speed up and exit the track at their first opportunity and see the steward at the start station. The Black Flag can also indicate that there is a mechanical issue with a vehicle on course that needs to be addressed for the safety of other drivers. (a Tow situation) During a full course Black Flag condition, all drivers must exit the track and bring their cars to the hotpits. Drive your vehicle at 70% ~ 80% during a full course Black Flag so we can clear the track quickly and deal with the situation on track that caused the Black Flag. NO PASSING is allowed during a full course Black Flag condition.
MEATBALL: Solid black with an orange "meatball" indicates that a driver’s vehicle has a mechanical defect that needs to be addressed, or that a vehicle has violated the track’s maximum sound limits. The driver should immediately assess what caused the flag and determine if the cause may be 'fluid' related. If a condition exists that may involve fluids (coolant temp spike, loss of oil pressure, smell of transmission fluid, gear oil, smoke, etc.) then the driver should not continue driving on the track and should come to a stop on one side of the track or the other in view of a corner worker and then wait in their car for a 'tow'. If the issue is not fluid related, then the driver should bring the car to the hotpits immediately to discuss the situation with track steward. If you know your car is not over the sound limit and you receive a Meatball Flag, then it's likely a mechanical issue that could involve fluids. If you continue to drive the track while leaking fluids, then you could cause the entire event to shutdown for 20 ~ 60 minutes for clean-up. Additionally, if clean-up services are required to address a condition you or your car created on track, the labor and materials required to address the issue will be billed directly to you. One more good reason to immediately get off of the racing surface and come to a stop if you are leaking fluids.
BLUE FLAG WITH YELLOW STRIPE: Pass / Check youer mirrors: Indicates to a driver that there is a faster car approaching or following closely behind and the driver receiving the flag should immediately check their mirrors and issue a ‘point by’ hand signal to the approaching driver and/or leave adequate space on track for a safe pass. This is considered a courtesy to faster drivers. If you are the car to be overtaken by a faster car, do not modify your driving line to 'create space' for the overtaking car. It is the responsibility of the overtaking car to safely pass you as long as you leave them room and not modify your driving line.
YELLOW AND RED STRIPES: Surface Conditions have changed. This could be dirt, weeds, organic material such as a squirrel, car parts, or liquids on the track. In the event of this flag, check your speed slightly, attempt to visually locate the debris, and avoid it as necesary. Self Cleaning Debris, such as dirt or weeds may dissipate after a lap or two and the corner worker may stop showing the flag. This doesn't mean 100% of the debris is gone so mentally log where it was as some of the debris may remain on the track for the balance of your session.
HOT TOW / EMERGENCY VEHICLE ON COURSE: White with red cross. Indicates that ambulances, safety vehicles or emergency personnel are on the course. This is typically shown with a Yellow Flag and follows the Emergency/Saftey vehicle from corner to corner. This is commonly referred to as a 'Hot Tow' where a tow truck is on the track during an active session. During a 'Hot Tow' you can and should pass the tow or support vehicle on course but do so safely and not at full speed. Please check your speeds down to 50% ~ 70% of normal to keep it safe for the support staff and yourself. You don't want to come to a stop on track because the person behind you may run into you. Also, remember that at some point during a 'Hot Tow', the support staff will be out of their vehicles on foot with no protection from you. Be extra careful when you see anyone out of their vehicle during a hot driving session or 'Hot Tow' situation.
The Anatomy of a Track Day
If you're new to this activity or just curious as to what goes on at a typical track day, then please read on as we attempt to capture the main activities and requirements you'll need to be aware of at a HPDE. (high performance driving event)
In advance of each event TMR rents the track, contracts with all the support staff (ambulance, safety, corner workers, etc.), secures insurance, collects registrations and fees, and formulates a master plan for the event day.
As a driver, you'll need to perform the following to prepare for an event:
Create your User Account on MSR. (Motorsportreg.org)
Pick an Event - Select the event of your choice that contains a run group consistant with your skill level. (see our 'Definition of Run Groups' page under the 'More Info' menu item at the top of this page)
Register and Pay - Select and pay for an event or events.
Prepare for the event:
a. Mechanical/Functional Inspection of your vehicle to ensure safe operation at the event (see sample Tech Inspection Form under 'More Info')
b. Clothing - we prefer to see long sleeve shirts, long pants, non-bulky shoes, and driving gloves are usually a good thing to have.
c. Helmets - SA 2010 is now our minimum rating
d. Seat Belts - Factory or Aftermarket Harnesses are OK. However, drivers need to make sure they understand the risks of using harnesses if their car does not have a roll bar. Harnesses keep you in an upright position, so if the roof collapses in a rollover, the driver's head and neck have no place to go.
e. Roll Protection - We highly recommend that all cars have roll bars for added protection. However, we only 'require' roll bars in open top cars/convertibles that do not have factory roll hoops or auto-deplying rollover posts. Driving a pure convertible on the track without roll protection is a very bad idea, so we do not allow it. Convertibles with aftermarket roll protection are allowed in our Advanced run groups. (bolt-in or weld-in roll bars)
f. Other supplies - Fuel, Air, Oil, Chairs, Food, Water, Hat, etc.
On Event Day – On the day of the event you'll need to arrive at the track early enough to get parked, unpack loose items from inside your car, register with us, and then attend our mandatory drivers meeting prior to event start.
Drivers Meeting – This is a mandatory discussion with all drivers, passengers, and staff to cover the following:
Event Format and Run Groups
Track Conditions
Track Entry & Exit
Passing Rules
Etiquette on track
Hand Signals
Sound Restrictions
3 Strikes process to control behavior on and off track
Towing procedures
Liability you and your vehicle assume while on track or in the paddock
Instruction & Classroom Downloads
Services - Air, Fuel, Food, Bathrooms, Photography, In-Car Video, etc.
Upcoming Events
The Process on Track – Events are typically structured with (3) or (4) run groups of vehicles. Each group consists of drivers with similar track experience so as to keep the pace as consistant as possible throughout the day. Run groups typically head out on track for 20 to 25 minutes sessions, and this cycle repeats throughout the day.
Grid and the Hot Pits – Before each session begins cars are instructed to move into the Hot Pit lane to grid for the up-coming session. Grid Stewards will then instruct you from there. Drivers should never move out onto the racing surface without authorization from the Grid Steward.
After Your Sessions – When your session is over, proceed into the main paddock slowly and park. Relax, hydrate yourself, reflect on your experience, enjoy the comradery in the paddock, and get ready to do it again!
Basic Safety Requirements
Seat Belts – All drivers and passengers must wear seat belts while on track. Factory seat belts are fine, but we highly recommend 5 point harnesses for Advanced drivers. If you are planning to outfit your car with 5 point harnesses, then we recommend that you also add a roll bar to your car. Harnesses keep you upright in the seat, so you need the additional rigidity of a roll bar to ensure that your roof won't collapse in the event of a rollover.
Roll Bars – A roll bar is a great investment in your safety and we would like to see all cars on track equiped with bars. However, not all of us have dedicated track cars, so a roll bar may not be an option for you. If you have a convertible you must have either factory roll protection (hoops, auto-deploying anti-roll posts, etc), or an aftermarket 4+ point roll bar. Convertibles are not allowed in our Advanced run group without an aftermarket roll bar. Hoops and auto-deploying posts are allowed in our lower run groups, but not in Advanced.
Helmets – Current requirement is SA2010. For more information about helmets, helmet designs, ratings, etc., go to the following Snell Foundation link and look over the history of the motorsports helmet and other valuable information. This is especially useful information if you're considering purchasing a new helmet.
Snell Foundation Link: http://www.smf.org/helmetfaq#aWhySnellHelmet
Fire Extinguisher – We recommend that all cars have an extinguisher, but this is not mandatory.
Clothing – Yes, please wear clothes! Seriously, we prefer to see long pants and cotton long sleeve shirts at all of our events. Short sleeve shirts are ok for hot weather months. Driving shoes and a good pair of driving gloves are also recommended.
Vehicle Insurance for 'On Track' Coverage
Hagerty Track Insurance available! Click Here!
Track day insurance provides single-event HPDE coverage that’s designed to protect your car from physical damage, both on the track and in the paddock, when you participate in HPDE events.
Supplemental coverages
Towing and storage
Rental car reimbursement
Pollutant cleanup and removal
Agreed value coverage
With an agreed value policy, you determine your car’s value. In the event of a covered total loss, you will receive the full agreed value that the car is insured for on your policy.**
Customize your coverage
Add and cover vehicle modifications such as custom paint jobs or body kits. Coverage is also available for time trials.
Life Flight Insurance Companies
Life Flight Reciprocal Partners
If you live in an area serviced by multiple air ambulance providers, we strongly advise you to consider joining all available membership programs to ensure the most comprehensive coverage for you and your family.
As part of AAMMP (The Association of Air Medical Membership Programs), CALSTAR membership includes reciprocal relationships with other nonprofit air ambulance providers. This means your CALSTAR membership travels with you to Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, Washington and Montana. If one of our reciprocal partners transports you, they will honor your CALSTAR membership subject to the reciprocating program’s rules.
Reciprocal partners include:
Enloe Flight Care of Chico (CA) - Thunderhill
Careflight of Reno (NV) - Reno Fernley
Air Life of Oregon (Bend)
LifeFlight Network of Portland (OR)
Air St. Lukes (Boise, ID)
LifeFlight of Boise (lD)
Wyoming LifeFlight of Casper
Airlift Northwest (Seattle)
Northwest MedStar of Spokane (WA)
Portneuf LifeFlight of Pocatello (ID)
Saint Alphonsus http://www.saintalphonsus.org/svc_li...whybecome.html
Life Flight is a member of the Association of Air Medical Membership Programs (AAMMP). At the time we drafted this information, your Life Flight Membership was honored for medically necessary air transports by the following reciprocating programs. Please conduct your own research to confirm this information is current as agreements do change over time.
Airlift Northwest
Air Link of Bend
Air St. Luke's
Cal Star of California
Care Flight of Reno
Enloe Flight Care
Life Flight Network
Northwest Medstar
Portneuf Life Flight
Wyoming Life Flight
Track Car Rentals
If you're new to this activity or a veteran from outside the area who can't haul your track car to Northern California, you have vehicle rental options available. The following is a list of potential track car rental resources in the region. If vehicles aren't available you can always rent a high performance vehicle from a one of the larger car rental firms in the nation. (Corvette, Audi, Mustang, etc)
Larry Oka Racing
Web Site: http://larryoka.com/
Phone: 925-862-0172
Spec Miata Rentals
TFB Performance at Sonoma Raceway
Tim Barber
E-mail: tfbperformance@gmail.com
Track Car Rental: Spec E30s and Spec Miatas
Ryan Lesher Motorsports
Track Car Rental: Spec Miata
Dietschwerks Arrive & Drive
Track Car Rental: Sport 190, Exige S260, Mini, Porsche, Sport Elise or standard Elise
Al Angulo Miata Rentals
Up to 10 Spec Miatas available!
Phone: 530-277-6311
TrackMasters Racing Refund Policy
The TMR management team understands that there are occasions when drivers need to cancel or change their event reservations. We all have dynamic business and personal lives that sometimes bump driving on the track to the bottom of the list. If you have a situation that forces you to change your plans, then we would like you to understand our cancellation policy and why we've established time constraints around cancellations.
Each season TMR makes a huge financial investment to secure 15+ track reservations for all if it's members. Therefore, it's extremely important that we do what we can to make sure that each event is filled and generates a positive cash flow. With today's economy, some events run 'in the red' and some are 'in the black'. We host these events to satisfy our own passion for the sport and to provide you the opportunity to satisfy your driving ambitions. However, we are not a charity and need to make sure that at the end of each season we're 'in the black'.
TMR Cancellation Policy:
TrackMasters Racing will refund registration fees if cancellations are received 15 business days or more prior to event dates between the months of April to September. (in writing via e-mail to tmr.trackevents@gmail.com)
Events that take place between October and March DO NOT have the 15 business day cancellation option. These are considered 'No Refund' months unless you have someone to take your slot at the event, or we state in the description that refunds are allowed, or if we have rain cancellation insurance for the event.
There are Absolutely No Refunds for cancellations within (3) business days of an event.
All Allowed Cancellations are subject to a $20 cancellation fee.
Cancellations received within 4 and 15 business days before an event will only be refunded if you supply a driver/rider of equal skill to take your place, or if a waitlisted driver confirms and pays for your spot.. Please also review the highlighted note above regarding October to March event cancellations.
All credits should be used within the same calendar year unless approved by TMR management
The 3 day no refund - This policy is in place because during that period we are in the middle of final event preparation and have no time to take on additional tasks. In addition, most drivers on the waitlist have typically already made other plans, or they can't commit due to the short notice.
Discounted Events - All 'Season Pass' and 'TrackPack' related event fees are not refundable once the 15 business day window closes before the first event of the series. 'TrackPacks' within the months of October to March are subject to the same rules for single day events as noted above.
Weather - Weather related cancellations are not likely for the majority of our events. If there's a need to cancel due to severe weather, TMR will work with track management to minimize financial exposure and refund any remaining funds to each participant. In some instances there could be a $25 fee to cover un-recoverable expenses.
We hope you can appreciate our position regarding event cancellations and we thank you for your cooperation.
Does TrackMasters Racing Run Events in the Rain?
Rain or Shine? – Does TrackMasters Racing run events if there's rain or the threat of rain? The answer is 'Yes'. The primary reason we run in questionable weather is because the bills come to us 'rain or shine' from most of the tracks where we host events. Weather related cancellations are therefore not likely for the majority of our events. If there's a need to cancel due to weather, TMR will work with track management to minimize financial exposure and refund remaining funds to each participant. In some instances there could be a $25 fee to cover un-recoverable expenses.
Rain Frequency – TrackMasters Racing has run hundreds of events in NorCal and we have a fairly good idea of which tracks to avoid during which months of the driving season. Occasionally, Mother Nature doesn't cooperate, but most of the time the tracks are dry enough to drive safely.
Driving in the rain – We all drive on the street in the rain, so why not on a track? Driving a race track in wet weather can be a very fun and rewarding experience. Driving 'in the wet' also helps you develop new skills and gain a more precise feel for your vehicle's handling characteristics. Here's a quote from a driver who attended an event that had both wet & dry conditions throughout the day:
"BTW your Sonoma event a few weeks ago was great…wet track is nervous but a great way to simmer down and focus for the day. The majority of the day being dry and the cooperative other drivers (which is one of your group’s fortes), made another spectacular drivers event."
The keys are to driving in the rain are:
a. Pace - 'slow down' there isn't as much grip on the track
b. Control - be very 'smooth' with the application of steering, throttle, and brake inputs
c. The Line - modify your line from lap to lap, find out where the grip is and isn't and remember that for your next lap. Try to drive the driest line on the track
d. Big Arcs - increase the size of the arc you are driving through each corner
e. Avoid Traction Reducing Surfaces - avoid puddles & painted surfaces such as entry and exit berms as these will cause you to lose traction.
f. Tires - make sure you're not running deeply shaved or race/slick tires. Treaded tires are an absolute must for the wet and the deeper the tread the better!
Wet Driving Summary - The message here is to not let a little rain scare you away from the track. Come to the event with a different attitude and set of expectations & goals. Don't push too hard, don't try to attain your personal best lap times, and accept the event for what it is....skills development. Drive slower, modify your line around corners, and enjoy the rare experience that will eventually make you an overall better driver!
All Wheel Drive vehicle owners... Drivers with all wheel drive cars have no excuses and should be looking for every opportunity to drive in wet weather events!
'Tiered' Event Pricing Program
What is 'Tiered' Pricing? - On occasion, we may offer our drivers greater flexibility around entry fees we have developed Tiered pricing systems for select events throughout the season. Those drivers that are budget minded or just don't want to drive all day can sign-up for a Tier 2 entry and pay a reduced fee for the day. Others who want as much track time for their 'track buck' can sign-up and pay the higher rate for a Tier 1 slot.
The process of 'how' the day will be split is unique to each 'Tiered' event so make sure you read the event description to understand the format. Some Tiered events have A.M. and P.M. Tier 2 options while others do not.
For Example:
You want to run all day? Use the regular registration process for the event and pay full price.
You only want to drive in the Morning for 60 minutes. (3) 20 minute Sessions
Use the Tier 2 AM option when registering and pay about half price. -
You only want to run in the Afternoon for 60 minutes. (3) 20 minute Sessions
Use the Tier 2 PM option when registering and pay about half price.
Features of a Track Event
Run Group Sizes - TrackMasters Racing knows what traffic levels are acceptable on each of the NorCal tracks and doesn’t over sell events. We’re all about providing drivers a safe and high quality experience for their track dollar, not squeezing drivers and the event for every dollar!
Compare Event Features - TMR knows that drivers will ultimately draw their own conclusions and sign-up for those events that best satisfy their respective needs. Everybody has different requirements & priorities. TMR is confident that our program offers the best overall value for drivers when you consider the following variables.
Event Format – Make sure you understand and compare the main features for each event so you know exactly what you're getting for your track dollar. All of these attributes can have a positive or negative affect on your track day:
Number of Run Groups - 3, 4, or 5?
Length of day?
Length of Sessions?
Number of Sessions?
Number of Cars per Run Group?
Length of Lunch Break?
and finally.... the Price!
Experience – With 28 years of hosting of over 350 events at NorCal tracks, TMR is the most experienced private track day organizer in the region. This is also why so many of our processes have been duplicated by our competitors, and why most of our competitors are former members! Even they recognize TMR is one of the best in the business! In addition to hosting numerous Road Course and Autocross events per season, we also host combination events with Motorcycles and/or Shifter Karts. No other group in California can match our versatility and experience.
Safety – Let’s do some quick math…. 350 (events hosted) x 85 (avg # of drivers per event) = 29,750 cars on track over the past 28 years with one minor injury due to an airbag deployment and less than 25 minor car to car contacts. We think these numbers speak for themselves and reflect the success of our policies, procedures, and management of track events and behavior on track.
Seat Time – Make sure you understand what kind of time behind the wheel you’re getting for your track dollar. The number of run sessions, duration of sessions, and total time behind the wheel. Many of the low cost events in the region offer very limited time on track, and the time you get may be congested with too many cars on track.
Track Density – The more cars on track, the greater the chance you’ll experience delays for one reason or another. From our experience we know that putting too many cars on track will create a variety of issues. For example, more than 30 cars on track at Mazda/Laguna Seca (a 2.2 mile track) is a bad idea if you want your customers to have a rewarding experience. Starting in 2012 many clubs will be trying to lower prices at Mazda Raceway and make up the difference by putting 35 vehicles on track. This is a bad idea unless those vehicles are Motorcycles! TMR limits run groups to 25 to 30 paid drivers.
Gimmicks – Be aware of gimmicks that are supposed to address some of the points raised above. An excessive amount of cars on track is simply that....too many cars! Trying to improve the flow of cars shouldn't be accomplished with special rules, flags, etc. to remove cars impeding the flow of vehicles on course. The fundamental concept is to keep the car counts down, not raise them and then confuse drivers with silly rules to pull cars back off the track!
Bottom Line – We all spend a great deal of time and money preparing ourselves and our cars for the track, so the last thing we want is to have a bad experience. We have too much invested to be satisfied with just a 'mediocre' day. TMR events provide you the best combination of safety, price and overall quality track time. Check us out and you'll soon understand why so many drivers in the region prefer TMR events.
Program Information
Welcome to the MAZDASPEED MOTORSPORTS DEVELOPMENT Team Support program. Mazda supports amateur and pro racers in all forms of racing through access to our discounted parts purchasing program for stock (OE) Mazda parts and competition parts and technical support. We also provide the most comprehensive contingency awards program in the industry. This program is offered to racers in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico as well as TrackMasters Racing High Performance Driving Event participants.
Mazda also welcomes race shops (engine builders, car builders, body shops, etc.) servicing Mazda race vehicles. After completing the online registration, select Shop Owner, then read and accept the Mazda Terms and Conditions agreement. Selecting Shop Owner will allow you to purchase parts for race vehicles owned by Mazda racers and TrackMasters Racing members with a current Mazda Team Support Program membership.
Our unmatched support of grassroots (solo and club) racing, pro racing, and now High Performance Driving events with TrackMasters Racing begins with your registration completion on our website. Once you have completed the registration process, be sure to read and accept the Mazda Terms and Conditions Agreement.
Membership Requirements
To be approved and receive your Team Support Member Number (TSN) in our program you will need to fulfill the requirements below.
Already Racing a Mazda?
Q1 requirement: Provide 2 current race results (within the last 12 months) for the Mazda race car you are registering. Or, provide your registration confirmation email sent to you from TrackMasters Racing.(in the future or within the last 12 months) Official race results & TrackMasters Racing event entries must show the following information to be accepted:
Racer's Name
Event name and date held
Sanctioning body/racing organization or club holding the event
Class in which your Mazda race car competed (if racing)
Model of Mazda unless specified by class (example: Spec Miata)
Finishing Position in Class (if racing)
To complete the registration process:
Obtain pdf copies of your race results or TrackMasters Racing event confirmation to be uploaded
Click Racer Registration linkNew Member Registration
Enter personal information and a valid e-mail address
Enter model and year of car you will be racing/driving
Enter club, class, type of racing in which you will be competing (if racing)
Select "I have current race results" (if racing)
Upload pdf or url copies (2) of your official race results in Race Results Proof tab (TMR event confirmations)
Add event dates by clicking Race Results Date tab
Click Submit
Select Racer, then read and accept Mazda Terms & Conditions Agreement
Membership approvals generally take 2-3 working days. Please call 800-435-2508 if you have any questions.
Building a Mazda for Racing?
Q2 requirement: Provide a current copy of a membership card or license to your race sanctioning body (SCCA, NASA, etc.) along with a photo of your Mazda under construction.
To complete the registration process:
Prepare pdf copy or photo of your current membership card (SCCA, NASA, etc.) with photo of your Mazda (to be uploaded to site during registration process)
Click Racer Registration linkNew Member Registration
Enter personal information and a valid e-mail address
Provide completion date for race prep, or date you expect to have the car on the track.
Enter model and year of car you will be racing
Enter club, class, type of racing in which you will be competing
Select "I am currently building a race car"
Upload copy of your membership card and a photo of your race car
Click Submit
Select Racer, then read and accept Mazda Terms & Conditions Agreement
Membership approvals generally take 2-3 working days.
Please call 800-435-2508 if you have any questions.
Once you compete in your first event, upload your race results online as soon as possible. Until you have uploaded 2 current race results you will be able to use website to get parts pricing and availability information only. Please call us when you're ready to place an order.
The Q2 approval period for building a race car is 12 months maximum.
Maintaining your membership
To maintain your membership privileges, you must provide (2) race results or TMR event entries from the previous 12 months. Results should be uploaded to the website.
Once you are logged in to your account, go to the My Account section, then click Add or Update Racecar Info tab. For detailed instructions on how to upload results, see upload instructions on front page of website.
Parts Purchase Limitations
- SOLO/autocross competitors are restricted to purchasing drivetrain, suspension and brake components. Exterior and interior components may not be purchased. If you have any question about what components are restricted, please contact us.
- Accessories, air conditioning, audio or other components not required for competition purposes may not be purchased. In addition, batteries and chemicals are not available for purchase through this program. There are a few exceptions to this policy that include performance accessory items and car covers. Please call us to request assistance in purchasing these items.
- All parts purchased are intended for use Mazda race vehicles registered and approved in the Mazda Team Support Program. Parts may not be purchased for any vehicle not used in off-highway racing events under any circumstances. Mazda may terminate a racer account for violation of this policy.
- Mazda reserves the right to apply maximum order quantities and specific components.
See more at:
Event Photography
TrackMasters uses very high quality photography services on occasion to capture your images on track. These guys do a great job and we highly recommend you spend some time during each track day that includes photography to view the images they've taken of you in your vehicle.
Check the website event descriptions to determine if photographers will be present.
Gift Certificates
If you have a friend or family member that you would like to surprise with a 'Gift of the Track', we can help you out! Pick an event or events, establish a value, and then we will generate and send to you a .pdf format Gift Certificate you can print out and present to the lucky driver! Send us an email at: tmr.trackevents@gmail.com for additional information and payments for Gift Certificates.
Corporate / Private Events
If you have a personal or business need for all or part of a day at the track and would like TMR to assist in the event management or to dedicate a run group at event to your group, please contact us at tmr.trackevents@gmail.com for additional venue and cost information.